I enjoy my job, giving readings, messages and other information that comes from the other side, even today I’m still having those WOW moments. After 17 years it’s still like new, every piece of information and how it affected the past, present and how it will affect the person’s future is intriguing, I give what I call nonsense information like the color of the clothing you have on or you might need to go to the bathroom or a health issue for a relative, the new car you just purchased are all facts to get you on board for the messages; sometimes I’ll let you know about a resent death or the name of a family member who’s past but around you, these are all things you know or are sure of so the info you are not aware of but I pass on will carry some weight or value. Some find the phone reading a difficult thing to believe but it’s all electricity so does not matter if in front of me or not, if it’s a thought or a word, all the information that has been, is or will be is out there, all we need do is to tap into it, this is what I do its. The only thing I do in person are the cleansings of energy, in those I help people release some of the pent up energies that can cause blocks to the future.


The readings I do are all over the phone, I use all my senses to tap into the person I’m reading, using clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience tapping into specific issues and circumstances in the person or person’s life. I say person’s because often during my readings it can lead to a significant other, family member, child etc., this in turn can lead to career, romance, health, business or work.

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When we connect through the phone, or in person, your energy comes through. As I am working with the human body, many times I am given information about your health and what can be done to improve it. I’m not a doctor so when medical information comes, I suggest consulting your doctor as I do not diagnose but I can guide you with the information I receive. Having this understood, I can recommend during a healing what will have the best chance to have an impact,

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Feng Shui Analysis

The more we know the better we can navigate through our daily lives, the study of Chinese astrology is another way we can better the human condition. Your life and the life of those close to you can be improved by a little more knowledge; did you know that there are good and bad directions for each person, while a good direction front door can enhance most things in your life, any of the wrong directions can block and close doors you would like opened.

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I believe that like health if we take care of ourselves all is good, for example if you take your vitamins and exercise the odds greatly increase that health issues will not occur or if they manifest they won’t be so impactful, let’s not diminish the value of good food, we are what we eat so healthy meals are just as important a factor for health of the body. Unfortunately we tend to dismiss our spiritual body, remember we are a spiritual person in a very temporary physical body or existence.

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